السلام عليكم
WinSnap 2.1.6
إليكم هذا البرنامج الرائع فهو أفضل وأصغر برنامج لالتقاط الصور والاسكرين شوت .
انصحكم بتجربته فهو فريد من نوعه
الجديد فى هذا الأصدار
Changes in version 2.1.6 (October 30, 2008
* Significant performance improvements on shadow generation algorithm
* Fixed a minor issue with capturing non-rectangular windows
* Various other stability and performance improvements
WinSnap is a small enhancement utility for taking and editing screenshots. Standard features include easy capture of non-rectangular windows with customized and transparent backgrounds, simple and automatic canvas transformations, coloring effects, and the addition of eye-candy
drop shadows. WinSnap supports a variety of image formats and has advanced auto-save features
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